Nozomu Wakai heard hard rock/heavy metal for the first time during high school, and has been playing music ever since. He studied Jazz at the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. He has been playing music professionally since his teens, and has released CDs with various bands.
In 2016, he joined forces with Mari Hamada, Japan’s leading female hard rock/heavy metal singer, as her sound director and guitarist; as well as playing live support for Sekima II guitarist, Luke Takamura. He is also involved in music production for anime and computer games.
In 2014, Nozomu embarked on his project Nozomu Wakai’s DESTINIA. The first album “Requiem For A Scream” and 2015 EP “Anecdote Of The Queens” featured heavy metal singers, Rob Rock (Impelliteri/Driver) and Masatoshi Ohno.
The EP made it to the Japanese national music chart, despite being a hard rock/heavy metal release with English lyrics. The live release, “A Live For A Scream” followed shortly after in 2016.
In the 2014 “Heavy Metal Championship” poll, readers of Japan’s premier hard rock/heavy metal magazine, Burrn! voted Nozomu “Brightest Hope” (Best New Artist), and nominated him for the following categories:
Having hit it off with Paul Shortino (Rough Cutt) after supporting on his 2016 Japan tour, they are currently working on a new album together in Las Vegas.
In 2017, Nozomu signed to Ward Records and began production on the new DESTINIA album, featuring hard rock legends, Ronnie Romero (Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow/Lords Of Black), Tommy Aldridge (Whitesnake) and Marco Mendoza (The Dead Daisies).
He pursues the ‘Modern Classic’ style to revive the classic melodic hard rock/heavy metal by injecting it with modern aesthetics. DESTINIA is the true successor of the musical style played by Rainbow, Dio and Whitesnake.
DESTINIA’s 2018 album will also be released under Whitesnake’s Italian label, Frontiers Records.
From Japan to the world, “METAL SOULS” is bound to go down in hard rock history.
Favorite guitarists: Ritchie Blackmore, Randy Rhodes, Michael Schenker, Uli Jon Roth, Warren DeMartini and more
高校在学時、ヘヴィ・メタル/ハード・ロック(以下 HR/HM) を 聴き、音楽を始める。洗足学園大学・音楽科JAZZ コースへ進学。後に中退。10代からプロ活動を始め、いくつかのバンドでCDをリリース。
2016 年から、日本を代表する女性HR/HM シンガー 浜田麻里のサウンドディレクター/ギタリストととして携わる他、聖飢魔Ⅱ のギタリスト ルーク篁のライブにサポートメンバーとして参加。その他、アニメ・ゲームの音楽制作にも携わる。
2014 年より自身のプロジェクトとなる「Nozomu Wakai’ s DESTINIA」(ディスティニア) を始動。ボーカルには実力派ヘヴィ・ メタル・シンガー ロブ・ロック(インペリテリ)、小野正利らを迎え、キングレコードより1st アルバム『Requiem for a Scream』、2015 年にミニアルバム『Anecdote of the Queens』リリース。
2015 年 日本を代表するヘヴィ・メタル/ハード・ロック専門誌 「BURRN!」誌の全世界のHR/HM アーティストから選ばれる 2014 年度 HEAVY METAL CHAMPIONSHIP で BRIGHTEST HOPE(新人王)の他、各部門でノミネートされる快挙を成し遂げる。
BEST TUNE (Requiem For A Scream) - 10 th / ALBUM COVER - 7 th / SONG WRITTER - 8th
2016 年、ライブ作品『a Live for a Scream』をリリース。 2016 年、ポール・ショーティノ(ラフカット) の来日公演をサポートし、意気投合現在もラスベガスでアルバムを制作中。 2017 年ワードレコーズと契約し、HR/HM でも随一の歌唱力を誇るシンガー ロニー・ロメロ(レインボー/ローズオブブラック) に迎え、新たな「DESTINIA」でのアルバムの制作を開始。
王道のメロディックなHR/HM を現代のサウンド感で復活させる “Modern Classic” を目指す。リズムセクションには、トミー・アルドリッチ(ホワイトスネイク、オジーオズボーンetc)、マルコ・メンドーサ(ex ホワイトスネイク,ex シン・リジィ) というHR/HM 界のレジェンドが参加。TOTO やホワイトスネイクなども扱うイタリアのHR/HM の名門「フロンティアレコーズ」と契約。日本から世界へ、ハードロック史に新しい歴史を印すべくアルバム “Metal Souls” を送り出す。
Favorite guitarists : Richie Blackmore, Randy Rhodes, Michael Schenker, Ulrich Roth, Warren DeMartini, and more
Joined by Ronnie Romero [Rainbow, Lords Of Black], Marco Mendoza [The Dead Daisies] and Tommy Aldridge [Whitesnake], Japanese Heavy Metal Guitarist Nozomu Wakai set out to release new album “Metal Souls”.
The new generation guitar hero Nozomu Wakai blasts his way into the world on board his project Nozomu Wakai’s DESTINIA, with music composed/written/produced by Nozomu himself.
Nozomu Wakai, hailed as the guitarist/artist who would bring forth the authentic and melodic heavy metal in the 21st century, has released two albums "Requiem For A Scream" (2014) and "Anecdote Of The Queens" (2015) under Nozomu Wakai’s DESTINIA. Further, he has been recognized in the Japanese hard rock and heavy metal scene for his guitar, composition and sound direction work for the country’s leading musicians and anime.
In search for DESTINIA’s new musical direction, Nozomu witnessed a performance by Lords Of Black, featuring vocalist Ronnie Romero, at Loud Park 16, the biggest metal festival in Japan. Though Nozomu was well aware of Ronnie’s abilities, he was struck hard by the new Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow singer. A direct offer was made, and it was decided that Ronnie would join Nozomu and participate as the vocalist in his project.
Having set his course for the new compositions, Nozomu made offers to Marco Mendoza, solo musician and The Dead Daisies , and Tommy Aldridge from Whitesnake. The rhythm section is very important to him, to add extra strength to the music, and the two knowledgeable and influential hard rock/heavy metal veterans were an obvious choice for Nozomu. Upon listening to Nozomu’s music, Marco and Tommy were thrilled to get involved.
Nozomu describes the musical directions and aspirations of DESTINIA as ‘classic modern’ heavy metal.
"The music goes beyond the authentic hard rock and heavy metal in the same vein as Rainbow, Whitesnake and Dio – it is completed with contemporary, modern sounds. I am confident that I can create new music with these musicians."
Highly praising his talents, Ronnie, Marco and Tommy joined forces with Nozomu.
'I was impressed the moment I listened to his tracks,' says Ronnie. 'Nozomu is an incredibly talented guitar player and an amazing composer. In addition to that, my vocals fit in really well.'
Nozomu’s heartfelt passion for authentic metal is apparent from the album title track “Metal Souls”.
The emotional guitars and soulful vocals complement each other, backed by the powerful grooves of Tommy Aldridge (drums / Whitesnake, Ozzy Osbourne, Gary Moore etc.) and Marco Mendoza (bass / Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Blue Murder etc.) - the impenetrable rhythm section who have seen the history of hard rock and heavy metal.
The authentic melodic heavy metal with striking tunes are indeed ‘classic modern’, destined to be the masterpiece for the new age.
DESTINIA‘s new album “Metal Souls”, created by the strongest lineup is set to be unleashed in spring 2018 via Ward Records in Japan and later in the summer via Frontiers Records in North America and Europe.
Nozomu sees long-term potential in DESTINIA, claiming there are ‘songs that need to be written, developments that need to be made’.
Here comes the new guitar hero that will shape the new standard for classic rock, with a mix of classic and modern heavy metal.
史上初のハード・ロック/ヘヴィ・メタル・レヴォリューション勃発。新世代ギター・ヒーロー若井 望が日本から世界へと羽ばたく、“DESTINIA=運命”の刻(とき)が来た。
Nozomu Wakai‘s DESTINIAは、真の意味でのスーパー・プロジェクトだ。ロニー・ロメロ(ヴォーカル/リッチー・ブラックモアズ・レインボー、ローズ・オブ・ブラック)、トミー・アルドリッジ(ドラムス/ホワイトスネイク、オジー・オズボーン、ゲイリー・ムーア他)、マルコ・メンドーサ(ベース/ホワイトスネイク、ブルー・マーダー、シン・リジィ、ザ・デッド・デイジーズ他)という歴戦の強者たちと完全合体。正統派ハード・ロック/ヘヴィ・メタルを21世紀へと受け継ぐ“クラシック・モダン”スタイルを提唱、メロディとヘヴィネスを兼ね備えたモダンでクラシカルなサウンドが世界のファンの“メタル・ソウルズ”に光を灯す。
日本で自身のプロジェクトNozomu Wakai's DESTINIAを率いてのアルバム『Requiem for a Scream』(2014)、『Anecdote of the Queens』(2015)を発表。さらに数々のアーティストの作品やアニメーションへのギター/作曲/サウンド・ディレクターなどを通じて、若井 望の名は急激に日本のシーンに拡がっていった。
ハード・ロック/ヘヴィ・メタルの興奮とスリルに満ちた「Metal Souls」からビッグなパワー・バラード「Take Me Home」、世界中のアリーナを揺るがすメタル・アンセム「Raise Your Fist」、聴く者を“約束の地”へと導くファスト・ナンバ「Promised Land」まで、オールド・ファンには懐かしく、新しい世代のリスナーには新鮮な、そして時代を超えてロック・
2018年、Nozomu Wakai's DESTINIAが世界の輝ける七つの海へと旅立つ。国境も世代も超越し、『METAL SOULS』が我々の“鋼鉄の魂”を揺さぶる。